Top 5 Countries With Lowest Life Expectancy Rates In the World

Top 5 Countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world-life expectancy rates by country,which country has the lowest life expectancy rates

Top 5 Countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world-life expectancy rates by country,which country has the lowest life expectancy rates


Above given image is showing some medical  time limits and intelligent people like you have already understood the meaning of this image which is indicating the estimated time of the people’s life which is known as life expectancy.It is a specific estimated living time estimated by taking several assumptions such as consistency in mortality rates, good or bad healthcare systems of the countries and many other factors are involved while making a report about life expectation rates. Different nations have diverse rates some nations have highest while on the other hand some nations have the least expected years of life for the inhabitants. In this article we are going to discuss the top five nations having the least number of years for people living around the globe.


List of Top Five countries with Least  Expectancy at Birth 2013 estimates

Rank Country No. Of Expected
1. top 5 countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world  Swaziland 31.9
2. top 5 countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world  Angola 38.2
3. top 5 countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world  Zambia 38.63
4. top 5 countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world  Lesotho 40.4
5. top 5 countries with lowest life expectancy rates in the world  Mozambique 41.18

Question of the Day

Q : Which continent has the lowest life expectancy rate in the world and which country has the least  expected number of years for life?

[box type=”tick” style=”rounded”]Ans :The above given table is indicating on the Africa continent to be the worst continent in view of least expected life years and the highest mortality rates in the world.[/box]

More About Africa

Africa is considered the land of black people and most of its countries are poorest in the world. According to recent estimate World’s poorest countries are located in the Africa continent.

African countries are living at the cheapest standards  and African countries have lowest education level. In accordance to a recent survey majority of African countries have the education rate  equal to a tear in the sea making it the least educated continent.

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